corporate in the business. Producers do benefit with the advent of alternate marketing channels. The benefits include higher income, getting the right price of the produce building a robust system of production of high quality food products and storage of these food products. Retail models: The fruits and vegetables retail in India is carried out through two models which are mentioned below. i. The traditional retail model: This has been in place since ages and is very robust. ii. The Organized retail model: This is the new model that is being developed by the organized retailers and has been adopted by the major players in the industry today. Traditional retail model: In this model, farmers sell their produce to Buying centres from where it is transferred to a Hub. At the hub, fruits and vegetables are cleaned and washed. Sorting and grading is also done at the Hub. These fresh fruits and vegetables are then taken to the stores where they are sold to the customers. The corporate houses have simplified this supply chain today. They have removed the intermediaries and are directly procuring from the farmers and selling it to the customers. This forms a part of their backward integration strategy. This has led to Contract farming in India where the organized retailer is benefitted by getting an assured supply of fruits and vegetables in terms of quality as well as quantity and the farmer is benefitted as he is assured of steady income and a regular buyer for his produce. Also, by removing the intermediaries, the corporates are able to cut the several commission charges at every step of the supply chain and are able to sell fruits and vegetables in the market at a much lower price as compared to the traditional retailers. Mr. Biyani, Chief executive of the Future group bets that by employing new sorting and grading technologies, better cold storage and by aggressively cu ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????