InkSpired Magazine Issue No. 39 | Page 23

I have no doubt that lots of piercers around the world are doing a superior job, and countless piercees are getting higher-caliber work because of the information it disseminates. In addition to the material for apprentices and professional piercers, the content of The Piercing Bible provides consumers with what they need to know to help them get safer, more successful piercings. And it also supports people who deal with piercees (like medical professionals and teachers). There simply weren’t any comprehensive reference texts on the subject, and there are still no similar books or resources. I’ll admit that I didn’t really enjoy the writing or publishing process, but I’m glad I did it. I’ve been taking notes for a revised and updated edition since the day my book came out, but it is up to the publisher as to whether that project will be done. Twitter: @ElayneAngel Please remember that we work in a personal service industry. Piercing is a service—not a favor. Being a piercer doesn’t make you cooler than everyone else. That’s a bad attitude I’ve witnessed repeatedly, and I frequently hear complaints from my clients. They tell me about being insulted and belittled by other piercers. That behavior is bad for your business and it is entirely unnecessary. 12. I know that you write a piercing column for another magazine, why do you feel that it is important? Yep, I’ve been writing the “Ask Angel” question-and-answer column for a body art industry trade publication (Pain Magazine) for over ten years. Usually, the questions are sent to me because many piercers don’t have anyone else to ask. So my column is a way for piercers to pose questions to an expert and get a timely response (I email them so they don’t have to wait for the magazine to come out). If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone who does, and/or research the subject. Apparently, the piercing field isn’t overrun with writers. Since I’m capable of the task, I feel some responsibility to keep written pierc ing information flowing, and the monthly article is one way to make sure I do that. Writing the column also allows me to maintain a voice in the industry even though I no longer have my own studio and don’t live in the US. SD: What do you think your greatest contribution to the industry has been and why? EA: My book, The Piercing Bible: The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing, is definitely my greatest contribution. Being published by a respected, mainstream company (now called Penguin Random House) has given greater credibility and validity to the piercing field. I’ve seen that this is true: we are taken more seriously because such a book exists. 21