Initial Date Magazine | Page 8

Initial Date



She thought it was the best kind of daydream

My initial date was great. I started to prepare for my date few weeks prior to my travel to see him. I went to the nails spa and had my nails done. I prepared outfits to wear. I packed my bags for 10 days visit. I was feeling excited and nervous. Since I was flying, I didn’t want to wear something uncomfortable so I wore a black dress, white and black scarf, earnings, black tights, black boots and my jacket.

The plane got delayed so I arrived an hour later than the scheduled time. He was at the airport waiting for me. As soon as I landed, I was looking for him but he saw me first and called me. As I turned around, I saw him walking towards me. He was wearing a light pink polo shirt and tan pants. He appeared well groomed and looked very nice. He gave me a card and a plush animal. I felt nervous and decided to go and get the bag.

Overall, the chemistry between us was strong. We had a strong mutual awesomeness feeling about each other. I still have the constant urge to replay our date in my head. It feels the best kind of daydream.

He thought it was beautfuil!

My date was/is beautiful;, the expectations were low, the butterflies in my stomach were alive and the place was as public as they come: an airport!.

All I wanted to know before I met her was: “Should I shave or be natural? Should I wear cologne or let nature take over? Would I take her out or stay in? At the end, all the prep work was thrown out the window as soon as I saw her walk out the gate, and away towards the luggage claim area. I had to chase after her, and that was the first sign! Her beauty, her walk and her face dictated that I act as natural and normal as I could.

Earlier though, after I had showered and dressed, I decided the clean-face and baby-lotion fragrance were best, The clothes were chosen not for their style, but to make me look relaxed, even if I wasn’t. I then drove to the store to look for flowers but decided against it; instead, I chose the funny card with the stuffed animal, and the second card (waiting in the car just in case the “spark” wasn’t there) to let her know what I felt for her.

I needed not worry: the spark was definitely there!