INhonolulu Magazine Issue #15 - March 2014 | Page 16
From page 15
We’re hiring people from your community and the money stays in the
community, as opposed to the lion
share going over seas to some big
INHNL: Do you prefer the term craft
beer over micro brew? Or is it interchangeable?
BS: I prefer craft beer because micro
brew is really more of a legal term—it
has to do with tax brackets. Whereas craft conveys, not necessarily that
we’re small but, that we’re actually
taking time to make the best product
that we possibly can. We’re using the
best ingredients that we can source—
even our packaging—our bottles are
the finest quality bottles that we can
get our hands on—and that’s our
whole thing.
There is nothing about this beer that
is cheap. And, yes, it will never be cheap,
because that’s not what we’re doing.
INHNL: What needs to happen, do you
think, in a place like Hawai‘i, to make
a true craft beer explosion happen
here; where people are actually making
craft beers here and are able to succeed
in making craft beer here.
BS: I think slow indoctrination is just
kind of the key. Once it takes h