INhonolulu Magazine Issue #15 - March 2014 | Page 14

Q+A / Craft beer Iron Fist Beers Renegade Blonde Kölsch Style Blonde Crisp, mild, refreshing 5.2% ABV Beeradvocate: 80 Available at Whole Foods Market, 12th Avenue Grill, Bar 35, Bevy and at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Nelson The ImpALEr The Iron Fist of craft brewing Will Caron Iron Fist Brewery, located in Vista, California, may only be 3-yearsold, but its beer’s drink like they’ve been crafted and refined for decades. This is no accident—the brains behind the operation, 22-year-old Brandon Sieminski, is a reflection of the product he so carefully crafts. Sieminski is self-taught; his brewery, family owned; his style, professional but ultra laid-back; and his brew-method, experimental but highly adept. Iron Fist has partnered with local wine, beer and spirits distribution company Young’s Market to bring its delicious craft beers to select bars and retail locations on O‘ahu, Maui and in Kona. INhonolulu caught up with Sieminski at Pint & Jigger, in Late February, after a tasting dinner that paired several of Sieminski’s brews with various dishes prepared by the P&J house. Page 14 INhonolulu (INHNL): Iron Fist is a relatively new brewery—what do you think about your beers being introduced to consumers here in Hawai‘i? Brandon Sieminski (BS): I think it’s great. This really reminds me of the kind of atmosphere and energy we would have in one of our gastropubs or beer-bars in San Diego. I think that’s perfect for craft beer. I think it really conveys what we’re all about— high quality. The food that was paired with everything tonight and the whole experience is important and places like this really allow that idea to come through. INHNL: What sets Iron First apart from other micro breweries? BS: Well we’re really well known for our Belgians, but we do a little bit of everything. More than anything we emphasize balance in our beers— which can be a little bit lost on some of the bigger, heavier brews these days. Also, we don’t force-carbonate anything; our kegs are all naturally carbonated by closing off the fermentor at the end of the fermentation. And then we lager all of our beers for no less than two weeks, sometimes as much as five weeks depending on the beer, to clear it up and crisp it up. And our bottled beers are all bottle-conditioned with champagne yeast. INHNL: Where did the name “Iron Fist” come from? BS: A lot of brainstorming [laughs]. My family and myself we tried to think of a name for at least a good four months. Finally, one day, Iron Fist just kind of happened and we all loved it, double checked to make sure it wasn’t already taken, so we went for it. INHNL: Nice, and I noticed that all of the beer titles themselves have to do with hands or, very prominently, with rebellions and overthrows. BS: Yeah, we try to tie everything back into the theme of taking traditional styles of beers and updating them using non-traditional ingredients and methods. It makes it fun for us. INHNL: What do you think about the current micro brew scene and its surge into mainstream markets within the past decade or two? BS: I think it’s good because it’s giving brewers like us legitimacy in the eyes of people that aren’t traditionally invested in craft beers, especially with legislators and at a legal level. We’re getting a lot more leverage so the big guys can’t throw their weight around as much as they have been able to in the past. People are realizing more and more the impact and, I think, the sustainability of craft beer as an industry, as opposed to macro beer, which is a style of business that is really only going to benefit the company that makes the beer ,while everyone else suffers. That attitude is reflected in their model, where they’re not trying to make their product any better— they’re simply trying to destroy the competition with their power. With craft beer it’s all about community, it’s all about collaboration—we’re ma and pa operations, in your backyard. Extra Pale Ale Tropical and grapefruit notes with light malt character 5.0% ABV Beeradvocate: 85 Available at Shiroma’s Wine and More, Tropics Tap House, Whole Foods Market, Bar 35. Bevy, Fresh Café Downtown, Home Bar & Grill, Pint & Jigger, Tsunami Hawaii and at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Hired Hand Saison (Belgian farmhouse ale) Malty, sour with refreshing dry finish 6.5% ABV Beeradvocate: 82 Available only at Pint & Jigger. Imperial Rebellion Imperial Farmhouse Ale Intense, tropical and citrus flavors 9.3% ABV Beeradvocate: 87 Available at Shiroma’s Wine and More, Whole Foods Market and at Bevy. Spice of Life Bière de Garde (“beer for keeping”) Spiced ale, bitter orange and coriander flavors 6.5% ABV Beeradvocate: 84 Available at Tropics Tap House and at Bevy. Continued on next page Page 15