Walking the Walk
Reaping the blessings of an active life
By Margie Martinelli, Wellness Ministry Coordinator
“Do you know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit, who is in you, you are not your own,
you were bought at a price, Therefore, honor
God with your body.”
1Cor. 6:19-20
All physical activities
benefit our bodies, as long
as we do them consistently
and correctly. Walking uses
the body’s largest muscles
in a natural and safe way
to burn calories, strengthen
the heart, reduce stress,
control blood pressure and
improve cholesterol levels.
Walking takes no special
equipment, families can do
it together, and it is free. By
substituting a five-minute
walk for dessert daily, you could lose over 20
pounds in one year!
If you have any health issues, check with your
physician before beginning any exercise plan. Start
by walking for 20-30 minutes three or four times a
week at a stroll pace, to begin strengthening your
heart. After six to eight weeks, you’ll be ready to
increase the speed and distance comfortably.
Here are some suggestions for keeping up with
your physical activity.
• Consider exercise as part of your daily routine,
schedule it on your calendar.
• Set realistic exercise and fitness goals
• Develop a plan that is doable and fun.
• Start slowly and gradually build up your
program and stamina
By consistently applying these suggestions, you can
reap the physical, emotional, and spiritual blessings
of an active life.
For additional information, including
proper walking technique, please visit the
church website: ingomarchurch.org/
Please join us for
our 8th Annual
Memorial Walk
Celebrate the Life/Love/Service
of our loved ones who have
gone before us.
This 1.5 mile walk is suitable for
all ages and levels of conditioning.
Saturday May 10, 2014, 9 a.m.
Pie Traynor Field North Park
Cost: $11 per person, ($40 per family –
dependent children only) includes t-shirt
imprinted with the name of your loved one
Registration: after worship on April 27 and
May 4 in the auxiliary narthex.
Or by email: mmartinelli@ingomarumc.org
Or phone: 412-364-3613 x 206,
Margie Martinelli Wellness Coordinator
Please be sure to give the name of your loved
one so it can be imprinted on the shirt.