Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 82

elementary schools rubric How is my school’s creative schools certification determined? Each school’s Arts Liaison completes a survey that inventories the arts education programming assets within the school. Responses are then used to determine the school’s Creative Schools Category.* phase 2 arts liaison answers five questions BUDGET Does the school dedicate funding to the arts? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Do instructors have arts-specific PD during the school year? phase 1 arts liaison enters preliminary criteria ARTS INTEGRATION STAFFING Ratio of arts instructors to students and number of fulltime-equivalent (FTE) arts instructors. 0 FTE 0.5 FTE 1 FTE 1 FTE/350 STUDENTS Does the school utilize arts integration strategies? PARTNERSHIPS Does the school collaborate with at least one external community arts partner? MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION Average minutes of instruction per week throughout the school year. 44 MINUTES AND BELOW 90-119 MINUTES 45-89 MINUTES 120+ MINUTES PARENT/COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Does the school have exhibits, performances, or volunteer opportunities for students, parents, and the community? ACCESS Percentage of grade levels having access to art classes. 49% AND BELOW 82 50-79% 80-99% Calculate Final Category 100% CATEGORY 5 CATEGORY 4 CATEGORY 3 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 1 incomplete data emerging developing strong excelling PHASE If a school answers YES to three or more Phase 2 questions, it keeps its score from Phase 1. This is its final Category Rating. 1 If a school answers NO to three or more Phase 2 questions, it must add one to its Phase 1 score. This becomes its final Category Rating. PHASE 1 + 0 + 1