ingenieur Vol98 2024 | Page 46

Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 ( Act 304 )
Scope :
● Provisions on the regulation and control of atomic energy .
● Setting standards on liability for nuclear damage and on matters related or related to it .
Figure 7 : Scope of Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 ( Act 304 )
Figure 8 : The source of authority to the designated Department / Division
● The Board gives full permission to Director General of Health to issue a separate license for activities involving medical purposes .
● S15 ( 2 ) Act 304
● Medical Radiation Protection Division ( BKRP ) is the secretariat to the Director General of Health managed . This can also directly affect susceptible individuals as well as their descendants . Radiation can affect body cells , increasing the risk of cancer or harmful genetic mutations that can be passed on to future generations .
If the dose is high enough to cause significant tissue damage , it can lead to death within weeks of exposure to the radiation . Therefore , all healthcare facilities utilising ionising radiation ( such as the radiology department ) shall adhere to current legislation and regulations under the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 ( Act 304 ).
The main objective of this legislation is to ensure safety and radiation protection at an optimal level and that all sources of ionising radiation are safe to use for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes . In addition , the objectives of radiation protection are :
● Reduce the health effects of radiation .
● The biological effects of radiation are classified into “ Deterministic Effects ” and “ Stochastic Effects ”.
Figure 8 summarises the Authorised Department / Division responsible for enforcing compliance under Act 304 for radiology and other clinical departments . Frequently , the engineering team ensures that the process ( i . e ., the design , submission , and approval by the Authorised
44 VOL 98 APRIL - JUNE 2024