“ Professional Engineering Services ” and “ Engineering Works ” in medical devices delivery ( procurement phase , pre-construction phase , construction phase and post construction phase )
Treasury Instruction , Treasury Circular , Registration of Engineers Act 1967 ( Revised 2015 ) ( REA 1967 ), Registration of Engineers Regulation 1990 ( Amendment 2021 )
Figure 5 : Typical sequence of legitimate requirements for the overall “ Professional Engineering Services ” and “ Engineering Works ” milestone
8 , take up employment which requires him to perform professional engineering services ;”. GE is a person registered under Section 10 ( 1 ) of the REA 1967 ( Revised 2015 ). Additionally , REA 1967 defines “ Professional Engineering Services ” and “ Engineering Works ” as follows : “ Professional engineering services ” means engineering services and advice in connection with any feasibility study , planning , survey , design , construction , operation , maintenance and management of engineering works or projects and includes any other engineering services approved by the Board ; “ Engineering works ” means all works which include any publicly or privately owned public utilities , buildings , machines , equipment , processes , works or projects that require the application of engineering principles and data ; Those contravening the above Section 7 of the REA 1967 , upon conviction , shall be liable to penalties under Section 24 .
Thus , due to the nature of the work which necessitates extensive technical supervision by
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