In conclusion , laws are developed by the Government to protect fellow citizens . The amendments introduced by the “ Occupational Safety and Health ( Amendment ) Act 2022 ” and the “ Factories and Machinery ( Repeal ) Act 2022 ” which were gazetted by Parliament on March 16 , 2022 are yet to be enforced . Nonetheless , it is wise for employers to play proactive role and be prepared for the upcoming changes . This new OSHA may subsequently influence the revision of other affiliated written law such as Regulation , Order , Guidelines that are under DOSH custodian . Furthermore , risk assessment is not limited to JSA and HIRARC , there are other approaches like “ Hazard and Operability study ( HAZOP )” which ought to be considered if relevant to the workplace and we Engineers can act as a bridge to close any existing gap .
Board of Engineers Malaysia Code of Conduct of Registered Person , Circular No . 001 , Rev . 0 .
Laws of Malaysia , Act A1648 , Occupational Safety and Health ( Amendment ) Act 2022
Guidelines for Hazard Identification , Risk Assessment and Risk Control ( HIRARC ), 2008 , Department of Occupational Safety and Health , Ministry of Human Resource ( JKKP DP 127 / 789 / 4- 47 ISBN 978-983-2014-62-1 ).
THE INGENIEUR ( Vol . 96 ), Magazine of the Board of Engineers Malaysia , “ New OSHA ( Amendment 2022 ) – A Paradigm Shift for Occupational Safety ”, by Ir . Ts . Wong Chee Fui .
https :// thesun . my / home _ news / amendments- to-m-sian-occupational-safety-and-health-laws- JG9778694
www . ehs . harvard . edu / sites / ehs . harvard . edu / files / job _ safety _ analysis _ fact _ sheet . pdf
( A ) Hierarchy of Control ( B ) Common Types of Legislation
Engineering Control
Administrative Control
Regulation / Order
Codes of Practice
By Parliament
By Ministry
Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE ) Guidelines
32 VOL 98 APRIL - JUNE 2024