ingenieur Vol.87 July-Sept2021 Vol 87 2021 | Page 32

can use the newly developed GHG emission factor to improve GHG emissions assessment by determining the actual emissions value , which is expected to be lower than the default value of the IPCC emission factor . On the other hand , the emissions assessment will help the country continue to benefit from the good qualities of fuel and make progress in mitigation planning to avoid the undesirable effects of fuel use .
This project has exhibited the emission factor and overall emission change due to changes in fuel quality , particularly the carbon content as well as calorific value . In conclusion , the current variation in methodologies and approaches in calculating and reporting emission factors undermines the reporting integrity and contributes to uncertainties in Malaysia ’ s NDC reporting and hinders efforts in measuring the success of potential carbon mitigation efforts . This project has shown that the application of accepted and standardised guidelines combined with a centrally managed database , the application of varying and incorrect default emission factors can be avoided . At a minimum Malaysia needs to continue to carry on with this study to annually calculate and document all of the generation and fuel consumption statistics for the entire electricity industry to improve the quality , credibility and transparency of published emission factors , and use this information as a reference for policymaking for fuel and technology within the energy sector . On the other hand , the development of the GHG emission factor shows a commitment to further increase the quantification of GHG emissions , enhance reporting and verification practices in Malaysia which will develop a basis for measurement , reporting and verification .
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