Sungai Setiu catchments , older and earlier located water intakes become increasingly vulnerable . With an IRBM plan in place , land upstream of water intakes could be zoned as controlled , protected , or zero-development zones .
Indiscriminate disposal of solid waste and chemical waste on river banks or directly into the river waters has been a major cause of water supply disruptions . Among the theories as to why these incidents occur is that they are associated with efforts to reduce disposal costs . The perpetrators are either manufacturers of the waste , or the contractors employed to dispose of them . Although more an issue of a lack of integrity and general civic-mindedness , the option to locate disposal sites away from business centres has an impact on transportation and operating costs . The spatial information provided by IRBM plans would allow future disposal sites to be properly sited , allowing businesses to respond accordingly . However , education and cultural change are the only ways to increase integrity and civic awareness .
History of Integrated River Basin Management
The concept of integrated water resources management was introduced in the Eighth Malaysia Plan following Malaysia ’ s ratification of the Rio Accord . It is an approach that integrates the management of natural resources and economic demands within the river basin — a geographical unit — serving as the management unit . The geographical boundaries of the river basin are the limits within which water quantity and quality are assessed . IRBM seeks to achieve an equilibrium between water resources availability and water demand across all sectors within current and future development scenarios by looking beyond the administrative boundaries of districts and states . In essence , IRBM is about placing water resources as an economic catalyst while conserving the natural river environment .
Since 2003 , IRBM plans have been regularly prepared due to a proposal by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage ( DID ) that was approved