TNB Research Sdn Bhd has embarked on a project to develop Tier 2 country-specific GHG emission factors for the electricity generation sector in Malaysia .
Summit in Brazil . This initial effort was later followed by the third meeting of the Conference of Parties in Kyoto ( December 1997 ) where decisionmakers agreed on country-specific greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emission reduction targets . Malaysia became a Non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC when it ratified the UNFCCC in 1994 . Malaysia also ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002 and subsequently also became a signatory party to the Paris Agreement in 2016 .
Signatories to the Paris Agreement are required to submit National Determined Contributions ( NDC ). These NDCs document the countries ’ capacity to fulfil commitments made as a signatory to the Paris Agreement . Malaysia has committed to a reduction of carbon intensity by 45 % per unit of GDP by 2030 compared with 2005 levels — 35 % unconditional basis and a further 10 % on the conditional basis upon receipt of support from developed countries on climate finance , technology transfer and capacity building . Additionally , Malaysia committed to maintaining at least a 50 % level of forest and tree conservation . Malaysia reported a 32.5 % reduction of carbon emissions intensity in 2011 which equates to a reduction of 18,578.80 ktCO 2 eq .
It is well understood that GHG is the key driver for climate change . Hence , several initiatives have been taken by Government agencies , private companies as well as NGOs . Therefore , in this context , TNB Research Sdn Bhd has embarked on a project to develop Tier 2 country-specific GHG emission factors for the electricity generation sector in Malaysia . The project was funded by the Akaun Amanah Industri Bekalan Elektrik ( AAIBE ) under the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources ( KeTSA ), formerly known as Ministry of Energy , Science , Technology , Environment & Climate Change ( MESTECC ). The 36-month project aims to analyse and develop the major GHG emission factors for carbon dioxide ( CO 2
), methane
( CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide ( N 2
O ) from the stationary combustion of coal and natural gas for selected power plants . These emission factors will further enhance the accuracy and credibility of Malaysia ’ s NDC reporting . Accurate estimation of GHG emissions is essential for developing strategies to mitigate global warming . Additionally , guidelines to measure and report GHG emission data , and a database to securely and systematically store the data on GHG emissions in the electricity sector in Malaysia , were developed .