ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 67



Why Modular – Floating LNG Solution to Land-based LNG Construction Concept

By Ir . Roslin Bin Ramli Former Head of Construction Petronas Floating LNG Satu Project


The PETRONAS Floating LNG Satu ( PFLNG1 ) Project , the world ’ s first Floating LNG construction and a remarkable technological breakthrough , has proven the modular LNG construction concept to be practical and economical . This article outlines the general perspective of the modular LNG construction concept in comparison with the traditional land-based development involving a massive site for construction , erection and installation , also known as the “ stick built ” construction concept .

Modular ” - the notion of modularisation was adopted to pack the processing gas units of PFLNG1 topside modules into the smallest possible area — length 365 metres x width 60 metres — and at the same time , taking into consideration the necessary access for safety escape routes , as well as proper operation and maintenance of the units . The modularisation concept is not simply about putting together the process equipment footprints within a certain space , but involves complex art and expertise covering the design , engineering , and fabrication processes of modules that are compatible with the facility operator ’ s needs . The design aspect is divided into three sub-components — simplicity , standardisation and facilitation of construction or constructability review .
Migration of PFLNG1 topside modular concept from a floating-based to land-based development was a breakthrough solution and was believed to have set the benchmark for future modular LNG construction . Among the obvious benefits were higher productivity and better quality control due to the controlled environment for modular fabrication in the shipyard , and significant reduction of the site plant construction man-hours and time duration which resulted in lower construction costs , risk minimisation through integration and interface management , and improvement in safety performance . The concept of optimised modularisation of the facilities also brings better schedule control and lower overall project cost . Why was the modular concept selected ? The drivers in selecting modularisation projects are :
● Challenges posed by severe weather conditions and different climates – project site conditions e . g . hot and cold countries ;
● Remote location – relatively remote with limitation on site infrastructure , accessibility or ecosystem ;
● Manpower limitation – prediction on manpower availability ;
● Limited plot plan and laydown areas – site plot space and logistic movement ;