ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 39

● in a controlled environment – to grow crops more quickly and efficiently .
Technological advances introduce the phenomenon of Big Data where massive amounts of data are available in a wide variety of formats that can be captured , analysed and used for decision-making . This element normally comes together in courses that include IT , IoT and AI elements , such as the Bachelor Project , Geographic Information System Technology and Remote Sensing Applications . It involves the collection of data from various types of platforms such as satellites , drones and ground sensors . The students learn about data processing , database management and spatial and spectral analysis , to be used in agriculture such as land cover classification , soil mapping , water management , identification of pests and disease infestation and yield prediction .
Innovation and entrepreneurship play an important role in economic growth . Innovation is key to enterprise growth , while entrepreneurship seeks to generate value by identifying and exploiting new products , processes or markets . As IR 4.0 is driving innovation in manufacturing , Agriculture 4.0 is also looking at ways to modernise the agricultural industry and produce smart enterprises that are fully connected . The element of innovation is mostly covered under the Bachelor Project course where various types of agricultural engineering solutions are presented and documented . Students work individually , supervised by an academic staff . This course will expose them to conduct individual project work starting from a critical review , followed by software / hardware experiments and data analysis . The ability to troubleshoot becomes more important in the research project course where manual experimental procedures are not available to the students . They need to develop their own experimental methodology . The students must be organised and use their communication skills effectively to be successful in getting the right information . At the end of the course , students are required to defend their experimental design , results and analysis orally as well as in a written thesis . Meanwhile , the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Design Project course requires students to link proposed innovations with related opportunities for entrepreneurship and business . The course covers the integrated design of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in multidisciplinary orientations involving market study , project planning and execution , modelling and simulation , cost analysis and project development . By working in teams , students develop leadership skills and group dynamics , dealing with scheduling conflicts , meeting weekly deliverables and deadlines , and communication skills among