ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 49

Do You Know ?

Agriculture Technology

By Pang Soo Mooi
APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology -APEC
Malaysia hosted the APEC virtual policy dialogue on food security statement on Covid-19 on October 27 , 2020 . The dialogue took cognisance of the ABAC ’ s ( APEC Business Advisory Council ) recommendations for a whole-of-system approach for food production , infrastructure , distribution , trade and regulation for sustainable food systems in the region . It also recognised the growing significance of innovative technologies such as digital agriculture , smart farming and biotechnology in enhancing food security by matching producers with the need of consumers , increasing agricultural productivity , minimising food loss and waste , and enabling greater resilience in supply chains during times of disruption .
Biotechnology is a revolutionary tool that can change the agriculture sector . Through the science of agricultural biotechnology , crops can be made resistant to certain diseases , to stressful environmental conditions and to some chemicals . The technology can reduce spoilage and make produce more nutritious . It has the potential to spur economic growth , increase productivity , reduce hunger and malnutrition , and lessen the impact of agriculture on the environment .
APEC ministers and leaders recognise how important it is to communicate to the public the value of such produce , and how important it is to make sure that these products are safe . The APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology ( HLPDAB ) is a recognition of this .
Through the HLPDAB , policy makers develop regulatory frameworks , facilitate technology transfers , encourage investment and strengthen public confidence in biotechnology in order to increase agricultural productivity and protect the environment , with the ultimate objective of promoting food security . The first high-level policy dialogues on agricultural biotechnology took place in 2002 .
The latest HLPDAB plenary meeting ( HLPDAB18 ), took place on August 21 , 2019 , during the 2019 APEC Food Security Week at Puerto Varas , Chile . Delegates received information on the current situation on policies and development of products of new breeding techniques in APEC and non-APEC economies and on-going work in international fora of interest to the HLPDAB . They discussed innovative agricultural technologies that can be useful tools to enhance agriculture productivity , sustainability , resilience and food security . They also encouraged development and to maintain transparent , science- and riskbased regulations , while sharing information and experiences to raise awareness of the benefits to farmers , consumers and the environment .
HLPDAB Strategic Plan ( 2019 – 2021 ) This has three main objectives : a . Establish main mechanisms to ensure continued information exchange on economies ’ experience with agricultural biotechnology and other innovative agricultural technologies ; b . Promote transparent , science-based and functioning regulatory systems to support the development , application and trade of innovative agricultural technologies and biotechnologies for the benefit of APEC member economies ; and c . Facilitate the management of regulatory differences by endeavouring to develop solutions to global challenges with respect to innovative agricultural technologies — including trade-related issues — and improve the ability of APEC economies to communicate effectively about these issues .