ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 18

and disease management based on farm data and climatic information . Moreover , advanced data analytics algorithms to process large amount of data at a much faster rate and to manage data transmission channel intelligently either at the object processor layer or object processing layer are expected to be developed .
Besides physical platforms needed for the I-IoT fog computing , the subscription of the cloud platform based on data transmission size and time for intelligent processing will add cost to the IoT deployment . However , as this technology gets more advanced , computational hardware prices will drop and products will get better over time . Meanwhile , many agricultural business owners prefer to have their server or edge devices locally to protect data privacy and other sensitive intellectual properties and prevent data loss . Therefore , more research work is needed in the development of agricultural IoT platform that can support new security schemes such as advanced signcryption algorithm .
It is important to realise that high-tech farming involves considerable capital investment . Unfortunately , public vandalism on agricultural infrastructure deployed in the fields is often reported as a factor hindering the adoption of the technology in Malaysia . While the majority of the second-generation farmers in Malaysia received various levels of formal education , the technical skills for advanced ICT are still very limited . To that end , a serious transformational effort towards educating and increasing the awareness of our community about the importance of technological advancement in improving national agricultural production should be shared among producers , researchers , developers , educators and policy makers .