the machines are fully utilised rather than used for a specific time during the planting cycle .
While the benefits of agricultural mechanisation have been recognised , the required level of operational safety has not yet been achieved . This is evidenced in Asia , although China and India have become large agricultural machinery manufacturers , common safety codes have not been established . There is a need for a dedicated Government-controlled test and certification centre to ensure safe operation .
The prime objective of agricultural mechanisation and automation is to liberate agriculture from its high dependency on manual labour , and at the same time significantly increase productivity . In precision agriculture for the open farm system , sensors and instrumentation are incorporated into the machines where many parameters can be measured including soil fertility , monitoring plant health , and weather forecasting . Hence , only the right amount of input would be applied . As the machines become more sophisticated the role of farmers may change significantly . Farmers may no longer do all the tasks , but instead professional machine operators may provide services for different operations . This in fact would lead to the creation of jobs with newer skill sets .
In the closed environment system , a higher degree of autonomous machinery can be applied . Dangerous but high value and beneficial plants such as marijuana can be planted where access to the facility can be restricted and controlled to prevent misuse . In addition , Government will need to provide test and certification centres to ensure safe operations , and also prevent machinery induced diseases in crops .
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