Ingenieur Vol.81 January-March 2020 | Page 68

INGENIEUR target of achieving Malaysian National Aerospace Blueprint 2030 [41] closer by preparing CAAM AML holders as a professional workforce of tomorrow for the Malaysian aviation industry. When an organisation is equipped with professionals, it also strengthens the human capital asset making individuals and organisations more valuable. CONCLUSION It is crucial that engineering personnel are provided with the opportunity for individual development while at the same time developing the organisation and nation as a whole. Through the path made available by the BEM, the encouragement of professionalism within an individual will most likely lead to an increase in productivity, efficiency and motivation. A professional is able to display self-control and integrity in performing engineering services. With the code of conduct and ethics in place, leadership and commitment to the profession, safety and public health will be enhanced. This article highlights the professional pathway for the CAAM AML holders to P.Eng to enhance their professionalism in the discipline of Aeronautical Engineering under the area of aircraft maintenance engineering. REFERENCE 1. Engineering Council (UK). (2013). UK Standard For Professional Engineering Competence. (Jan 2013 ed.). London, England: Engineering Council (UK). 2. Board of Engineers Malaysia. (2016). Registration of Engineers Act 1967 (Act 138). (2016 ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Board of Engineers Malaysia. 3. Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. (2011). Airworthiness Notices 1101. (1 ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. 4. Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. (2016). Airworthiness Notices 6501. (1 ed.). Kuala Lumpur: Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia. 5. Commissioner of Law Revision. (2006). Civil Aviation Act 1969 (Act 3). Kuala Lumpur: Commissioner of Law Revision. 6. Attorney General Chambers. (2016). Civil Aviation Regulations . Kuala Lumpur: Attorney General Chambers. 7. Attorney general chambers. (2017). Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (Act 788) . Kuala Lumpur: Attorney General Chambers. 8. Board of Engineers Malaysia. (2016). Circular No 001 (Code of Conduct of Registered Person). Kuala Lumpur: Board of Engineers Malaysia. 9. Board of Engineers Malaysia. (2017). CIRCULAR NO 002 (Continuous Professional Development Requirements). Kuala Lumpur: Board of Engineers Malaysia. 10. Engcorguk. (2019). Engcorguk. Retrieved 19 May, 2019, from uk/about-us/our-partners/professionalengineering-institutions/ 11. Aerosocietycom. (2019). Royal Aeronautical Society. Retrieved 10 February, 2019, from membership-accreditation/professionalregistration/categories-of-registration/ chartered-engineer/ 12. Aerosocietycom. (2019). Royal Aeronautical Society. Retrieved 19 May, 2019, from https://www. registrationhandbookappendices.pdf 13. Brainyquotecom. (2019). BrainyQuote. Retrieved 9 February, 2019, from https:// quotes/ abraham_ lincoln_385030 14. Malaysia Bar Council. (2019). Malaysianbarorgmy. Retrieved 18 May, 2019, from my/bar_council.html 15. Malaysian Medical Council (MMC)."Official Portal of Malaysian Medical Council". 16. Miaorgmy. (2019). Miaorgmy. Retrieved 18 May, 2019, from v2/discover-mia/discover-mia.aspx 17. Innternatioal Civil Aviatio Orgainsation. (2019). Retrieved 18 May, 2019, from Pages/default.aspx 18. Talkativemancom. (2019). Talkativemancom. Retrieved 18 May, 2019, from http://www.talkativeman. com/shared_history_singapore_airlines_ malaysia_airlines/ 66 VOL 81 JANUARY-MARCH 2020