Ingenieur Vol.81 January-March 2020 | Page 63

... when you have a job there are rules to follow to show that you are credible, reliable and trustworthy. Being a professional means both having a job/career as well as acting according to business etiquette. In other words, an expert complies to a CoC to be a professional. institutions as essential for ensuring their members remain up to date and maintain their professional competence. The use of the word “competence” in the context of CPD implies an outcome in terms of performance. The preference of these organisations was to consider professional development as a part of an overall staff development policy. Though such a policy may be common for non-aircraft maintenance engineering organisations, it has not been practised in the aircraft maintenance engineering field. In addition, CPD has been defined by Madden and Mitchell [38] as “the maintenance and enhancement of the knowledge, expertise and competence of professionals throughout their careers according to a plan formulated with regard to the needs of the professional, the employer, the professions and society.” The evolvement of knowledge, technology and operational environments necessitates continuous updating to maintain a professional level. This is particularly relevant to the field of aircraft maintenance engineering. There is a clear indication that the purpose of all CPDs is to promote effective performance at work. Welsh and Woodward [39], for example, describe CPD in the context of “an activity which helps to maintain and improve professional competence”. Again Madden and Mitchell [38] stated that “the aim of an effective CPD is to provide a profession where members are fully trained and competent to perform the tasks expected of them throughout their careers.” As the majority of LAMEs stay within aviation related organisations and continue to function in an aircraft maintenance engineering environment, a CPD supports the life long career development in a systematic and progressive manner. As aircraft systems becomes more and more complex, it also means employers need practitioners who can solve complex problems and can acquire and develop new knowledge as highlighted by Baartman et al., [40]. With the compliance to CPD activities, enhancement of knowledge may enable practitioners to develop the capability to solve not only complex problems but also complicated problems. This is particularly true for category C LAMEs as they manage the aircraft maintenance engineering operations. Though arguably, the attitude of a practitioner determines the level attained, nevertheless, CPD activities may support practitioner towards that direction. From another perspective, an expert means someone who has a great degree of knowledge about a subject. Often they have an education or a lot of experience with the subject matter such as the education and training gained by a LAME, whereby a LAME is an expert. However, a professional is someone who has a job function, and acts according to the (written and unwritten) rules of business etiquette. The term business etiquette may be interpreted as a set of CoC and code of ethics. This latter part is a bit difficult to explain, but when you have a job there are rules to follow to show that you are credible, reliable 61