Ingenieur Vol.79 July-Sept 2019 ingenieur 2019 july-sept | Page 47

7. Evacuation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● All buildings should have lit, clear and signalled means of escape in case of emergency and workers should be made aware of evacuation procedures. All evacuation exits should be kept unlocked and clear of obstructions. Evacuation plans should be posted throughout the temporary construction workers’ amenities and accommodation area and made visible as shown in Figure 9. Evacuation drills should be conducted regularly. There should be nominated and trained personnel to handle fire and emergency evacuation. ● ● 10. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 8. First Aid/Emergency ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● First-aid facilities should always be provided and accessible. The contact details of the nearest emergency services should be clearly publicised. The names and phone numbers of qualified first aiders should be publicised. Access should be provided to allow entry to emergency services, e.g. ambulance or fire brigade. Potential health outbreaks should be monitored and measures should be taken to prevent disease outbreaks. Vaccination for workers is recommended to prevent widespread outbreak of diseases, e.g. malaria, cholera, etc. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Generators should be on stable ground, with required clearances, ventilation etc. Fuel stores should comply with local dangerous goods laws and all combustible materials are to be kept clear of buildings. If any, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stores should be placed outside of occupied structures. Hazardous materials, e.g. diesel, should be stored in a bunded area with spill kits provided. Fire Safety and Fire Fighting Open fires/ burning should be strictly prohibited. Fire prevention and fire fighting/ control facilities should be provided, particularly in food preparation areas. Fire fighting hoses should be engineered to provide full perimeter coverage of temporary construction workers’ amenities and accommodation, and should be able to deliver the appropriate water pressure to fight fire. All structures should be constructed with fire-resistant material (metal or with fire- retardant components). Fire and smoke alarms should be installed in all accommodation areas (if applicable). Where possible, buildings should be separated from each other by providing space or using fire-resistant material. 11. Mechanical and Electrical Safety ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 9. Hazardous Areas ● ● Clear and multilingual signage should be posted around hazardous storage areas. Electrical equipment and cords should be maintained and physically protected to prevent the risk of electrocution or shock. Mechanical equipment should be operated by trained personnel only. Electrical circuit breakers should be fitted to all distribution boards. The electrical register of equipment should be maintained and testing should be undertaken and recorded by a qualified electrician. 12. Housekeeping ● ● ● ● Waste should be centrally located in a segregated, easily cleaned area, and kept in rodent and fly tight containers. The grounds area must be kept free from rubbish, debris and other refuse. An adequate number of Mobile Garbage Bins (MGB) and scheduled waste collection should be provided. Effective housekeeping measures should be taken to ensure pests are not attracted 45