Ingenieur Vol.79 July-Sept 2019 ingenieur 2019 july-sept | Page 42

Where Engineers Excel THE ING THE G ENI LO INGENIEUR BA EUR LIZ AT JANU ARY- MA The Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), formed in 1972, is a statutory body constituted under the Registration of of Engineers Act 1967. BEM falls within the ambit of responsibility of the Minister of of Works. Its primary role is to facilitate the registration of engineers and regulate the the professional conduct and practice of registered engineers in order to safeguard the safety and interest of of the the public. Under BEM’s registration record are 19,000 Professional Engineers and 15,000 119,000 Graduate Graduate Engineers Engineers in in various various 71,000 disciplines and industries throughout Malaysia. Published quarterly by BEM, The Ingenieur, Ingenieur, reaches out to the engineering community 15,000 print version as well as to via a 13,500 to other readers via an e-format. 100,000. Readership is estimated at 50,000. KDN PP 11720/4/2013 (032270) L E M B AG A J U R U TE R A M A L AY S I A B OA RD OF E NGINE E RS MA LAY S IA KD VOL. RCH N P 6 2015 1 M VOL.63 JULY-SEPTEMBER 2015 M A G A Z I N E O F T H E B O A R D O F E N G I N E E R S M A L A Y S I A A G A Z IN E O F T H P 1 17 20 /4/2 01 3 (0 32 27 0) L E B O A R D O F E E BO M B A AR GA D OF J U R EN U T E GI NE R A ER M A S L M AL A Y S AY I A SI A N ION G IN E E R S M A LA Y S IA CAPACITY BUILDING ingenieur 2015 July-FA.indd 1 7/31/15 8:46 PM The content in this magazine, written mainly by the engineering community and technical professionals, provides first-hand and valuable knowledge. There is a wealth of information on: „ Infrastructure design and development „ Professional practice „ Government policies and guidelines „ Legal issues „ Engineering personalities „ Management „ Continuous development of engineers. For For advertising advertising and and subscription subscription inquiries, inquiries, please please contact contact Board of Engineers Malaysia Board of Engineers Malaysia Tingkat Tingkat 17 17 Ibu Ibu Pejabat Pejabat JKR, JKR, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50580 Kuala Lumpur Jalan Salahuddin, Email Sultan : [email protected] Tel : Kuala +603-2610 50580 Lumpur 7095/96/97/98 Tel : [email protected] +603-2691 2090 Email Fax : +603-2698 +603-2692 0590 5017 / 603-2610 2090 Tel Fax : +603-2692 5017 40 VOL 4 MAR–MAY 2013