ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 74

economic activity and urbanisation often generate pollution to air , water , and land , and consume finite resources that may threaten people , ecosystem services and the environment at the local , regional , and global levels . This ESS sets out the requirements to address resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management throughout the project life-cycle .
ESS4 : Community Health and Safety addresses the health , safety , and security risks and impacts on project-affected communities and the corresponding responsibility of Borrowers to avoid or minimise such risks and impacts , with particular attention to people who , because of their particular circumstances , may be vulnerable .
ESS5 : Land Acquisition , Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement - involuntary resettlement should be avoided .
ESS6 : Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources recognises that protecting and conserving biodiversity and sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to sustainable development and it recognises the importance of maintaining core ecological functions of habitats , including forests , and the biodiversity they support .
ESS7 : Indigenous Peoples / Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities ensures that the development process fosters full respect for the human rights , dignity , aspirations , identity , culture , and natural resource-based livelihoods of Indigenous peoples .
ESS8 : Cultural Heritage recognises that cultural heritage provides continuity in tangible and intangible forms between the past , present and future . ESS8 sets out measures designed to protect cultural heritage throughout the project life-cycle .
ESS9 : Financial Intermediaries ( FIs ) recognises that strong domestic capital and financial markets and access to finance are important for economic development , growth and poverty reduction .
ESS10 : Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure recognises the importance of open and transparent engagement between the Borrower and project stakeholders as an essential element of good international practice . Effective stakeholder engagement can improve the environmental and social sustainability of projects , enhance project acceptance , and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation .
UN Environment ’ s Green Economy Initiative ( United Nations )
United Nations Environment launched the Green Economy Initiative ( GEI ) in 2008 , which consisted of global research and country-level assistance encouraging policymakers to support environmental investments within the context of sustainable development . Thanks to this initiative and the work of other agencies , “ green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication ” was placed on the 2012 Rio + 20 agenda and was acknowledged as a tool for achieving sustainable development .
UN Environment has developed a working definition of a green economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity , while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities .
Over the past decade , the concept of the Green Economy has emerged as a strategic priority for many Governments and inter- Governmental organisations . All told , 65 countries have embarked on a path towards an Inclusive Green Economy and related strategies . By transforming their economies into drivers of sustainability , they will be primed to take on the major challenges of the 21 st century - from urbanisation and resource scarcity to climate change and economic volatility .
From GEI to an Inclusive Green Economy An Inclusive Green Economy ( IGE ) has evolved from earlier work on Green Economy . In its simplest expression , such an economy is low carbon , efficient and clean in production , but also inclusive in consumption and outcomes , based on sharing , circularity , collaboration , solidarity , resilience , opportunity , and interdependence . It is focused on expanding options and choices for national economies , using targeted and appropriate fiscal and social protection policies , and backed up by strong institutions that are specifically geared to safeguarding social and ecological floors . And it recognises that there
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