ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 72

well-designed for the introduction and deployment of CCT and CCU technologies :
1 . enabling policies within each AMS to support market conditions and institutional frameworks ;
2 . inclusion of knowledge sharing and enhancing capacity building at the policy preparation phase and project implementation and large deployment of these technologies ;
3 . diversification of the available CCT and CCU technologies based on the country ’ s needs ;
4 . creating greater access for finance or investment to be economically viable . Among others , carbon pricing ( tax and credit ) could serve as an important instrument with the potential to support and encourage private sector engagement also value chain establishment that would bolster the growth and resource enhancement in the region ;
5 . implementation of other supporting measures and cross-sectoral interlinkages such as integrating sustainable land use into existing energy and investment policy , and
6 . redesigning and strengthening the industrial hub would enable the region to share the required infrastructure of the CCT and CCU technologies , reducing cost , and ensuring the availability of key elements needed for these technologies .
Enhancing global efforts to strengthen resilience under COP 28
In a major step forward , COP 28 agreed on targets for the Global Goal on Adaptation ( GGA ) and its framework , which identifies where the world needs to get to in order to be resilient to the impacts of a changing climate and to assess countries ’ efforts .
The GGA framework reflects a global consensus on adaptation targets and covers the themes of water , food , health , ecosystems , infrastructure , poverty eradication and cultural heritage .
The decision gives adaptation progress a future orientation for the first time , reflecting aspiration and ambition , as opposed to the previous practice of measurement against past efforts .
While adaptation efforts are more difficult to quantify ( unlike the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ) and are very specific to the locations and geographies of implementation , the GGA aims to guide adaptation planning and strategies at all levels and to align the finance , technology and capacity-building support needed to achieve these .
Climate finance took centre stage at the conference and was called the “ great enabler of climate action .”
The Green Climate Fund ( GCF ) received a boost to its second replenishment with six countries pledging new funding at COP28 with total pledges now standing at a record USD 12.8 billion from 31 countries , with further contributions expected .
Mitigating climate change requires concerted efforts for global co-operation , sustained efforts , and innovative solutions . Climate scientists , policymakers , and experts commonly stress the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions , transitioning to renewable energy sources , and implementing nature-based solutions . The significance of international agreements , such as the Paris Agreement , as highlighted , along with the role of individuals , businesses , and Governments is crucial in contributing to a sustainable future . The need for adaptation strategies to address the inevitable impacts of climate change should be emphasised . There is a need for a range of solutions , including access to technology and early warning systems for disaster management , and enhanced stakeholder capacities at all levels . The role of good governance and incorporation of lessons learned from indigenous knowledge are also recognised .
Overall , a collective and co-ordinated approach is seen as crucial to effectively mitigate the impacts of climate change and build a resilient and sustainable planet for future generations .
REFERENCE UNCC , UN Environment , ASEAN Centre for Energy
70 VOL 97 JANUARY - MARCH 2024