ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 70

UN Environment has achieved climate neutrality largely thanks to an offset programme based on the mitigation and purchase of Certificates of Emission Reduction from projects , mainly in Asia , certified by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change . This , coupled with a 35 % net reduction in its climate footprint has ensured continuous climate neutrality for a decade .
Challenges to achieving Carbon Neutrality
Achieving carbon neutrality poses several challenges , and they vary across different sectors and regions . The common challenges associated with meeting carbon neutrality are as follows :
Technological Challenges : Developing and deploying carbon-neutral technologies on a large scale is a significant hurdle . This includes renewable energy sources , carbon capture and storage , and sustainable transportation solutions .
Economic Impacts : Transitioning to carbon neutrality often requires significant upfront investments . Businesses and industries may face economic challenges in adopting cleaner technologies and practices , especially if there are competing cheaper , but carbon-intensive alternatives .
Policy and Regulatory Barriers : Inconsistent or insufficient policies and regulations can hinder progress . A lack of clear guidelines or incentives may discourage businesses from investing in carbon-neutral initiatives .
Infrastructure Requirements : The shift to carbon-neutral energy sources requires a robust and adaptable infrastructure . This includes updating power grids , building charging infrastructure for electric vehicles , and transitioning industries to more sustainable processes .
Global Co-operation : Carbon emissions are a global issue , and achieving carbon neutrality requires international collaboration . Co-ordinating efforts among nations with varying levels of development and priorities can be challenging .
Public Awareness and Engagement : Achieving carbon neutrality often involves changing consumer behaviour . Educating the public about the importance of sustainable practices and encouraging behavioural changes can be a complex task .
Technological and Knowledge Gaps : In some cases , there may be gaps in knowledge or technology needed for certain sectors to achieve carbon neutrality . Research and development are crucial to fill these gaps .
Transitioning Workforce : Shifting to carbonneutral practices may impact jobs in certain industries . There is a need for strategies to retrain and transition the workforce towards new , sustainable employment opportunities .
Carbon Offsetting Concerns : Relying too heavily on carbon offsetting mechanisms without addressing the root causes of emissions can be controversial . Genuine efforts to reduce emissions should be prioritised over offsetting strategies .
Resilience to Climate Change : While the goal is to mitigate climate change , it is also important to build resilience to its inevitable impacts . Adapting to changing climate conditions is a challenge that needs consideration .
Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving Governments , businesses , communities , and individuals .
ASEAN Readiness for CCT and CCU Technologies
Towards Carbon Neutrality ASEAN ’ s energy landscape depends on coal and this remains imperative , particularly in the electricity and industry sectors . To address the increasing energy demand in ASEAN in 2050 , the region is predicted to still rely on fossil fuels despite its increasing renewable energy share . Oil and coal are expected to account for 62 % of the total energy supply of ASEAN in 2050 . The coal used in power generation in 2050 is projected to account for 44 % of its total energy consumption .
Most ASEAN countries have become major players in the global coal market , both as exporters and importers , even though the trade balance of coal in ASEAN is a surplus in 2021 . It indicates that ASEAN still relies on fossil fuels for energy despite its unconditional or conditional commitment
68 VOL 97 JANUARY - MARCH 2024