ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 53

Wearing VR glasses to experience the metaverse
Emergence of Internet as a Human Right
Since the early 2000s , there has been international civil societal and inter-Governmental talks , some even with declarations , on access to the Internet to be recognised as a human right . This is on the basis that fundamental freedoms , such as the freedom of expression and the freedom of opinion , has now come to ride on access to connectivity in upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
While these talks are currently suspended at a very high level , it is without a doubt that future generations will demand connectivity as a fundamental right .
Most of us adults in year 2023 have known and lived through the analogue life before the Internet , and have evolved to learnt how to use the Internet in adulthood . The same cannot be said for younger generations with much earlier exposure to the Internet . In fact , many communication technology now target infant and early childhood accessibility as part of their market . Today , it is not uncommon
to see babies and very small children interacting with screens and even developing dependence on digital devices .
Future generations will therefore live in not just a highly connected world , but would expect to interact in a completely connected world . These generations will not inherit our criticism of the dangers of over-connectivity , nor our scepticism over new development of communication infrastructure . In fact , they may very well demand it .
So how where do we go from here ? How do we make sure that we are able to create communication technology that would sufficiently cater to future generations ? My two-word answer : Bravely and boldly . The future generation is on a path towards using communication technology like we never could or would . Whether it is brain microprocessor implants , or jellyfish as the next big source of renewable energy , or mega cybersecurity - be brave , be bold . Chances are , it is probably not big enough . But we can try .