ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 36

Figure 2 : CTP ( wastewater sludge ) with 99.7 % oil removal and 83-85 % weight reduction
Figure 3 : RIB ( wastewater sludge ) with 99.4 % oil removal and 88-90 % weight reduction
pilot , both Phase 1 and Phase 2 results were analysed to determine the potential for the up-scaling of this technology . Future works to be considered for this technology include determining the waste feedstock availability and security , determining the characterisation of residue and the potential end-use , such as construction materials , energy pellets or other uses ( potential collaborations with research centres or universities ) and testing different types of hazardous waste with potential for treatment .
To further explore and validate the project feasibility , the PETRONAS team took the opportunity to visit the Shimizu Corporation headquarters and witnessed the operational carbonisation scale at their partner ’ s plant in Gifu Prefecture , Japan in June 2023 . The work visit
provided more insights into the carbonisation technology used to treat not only hazardous wastes , but also domestic wastes , including plastic , and turning them into reusable oil ( see Photos 3 and 4 ).
In summary , carbonisation technology is one of the assessed technologies for the treatment of hazardous waste that has shown potential for scale-up , based on Phase 1 pilot testing conducted in MRCSB in December 2022 . After the completion of Phase 2 in December 2023 , further evaluation for technology readiness will need to be conducted to evaluate the scale-up process . Based on preliminary results , the potential reduction of hazardous waste can be achieved and aligned to meet Sustainable Development Goal 12 ( ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns ).
34 VOL 97 JANUARY - MARCH 2024