ingenieur vol 97 2024 Vol 97 Jan-Mar 2024 | Page 19

Resident Species
1 . Chinese Pond Heron 2 . Black-winged Kite 3 . Brahminy Kite 4 . Eurasian Tree Sparrow 5 . Barn Swallow 6 . Pacific Swallow 7 . Zebra Dove 8 . Spotted Dove
Migratory Species
1 . Pheasant Tailed Jacana 2 . Lesser Whistling Duck 3 . Long Tailed Shrike
9 . Lesser Coucal
Table 1 : Migratory and resident bird species found in TNB Sepang Solar plant
The birds at TSS provide not only ecological services but also recreational and aesthetic value to visitors , particularly birdwatchers . By showcasing the beauty and diversity of these avian species , TSS has the potential to become a hub for observing and learning about local birds , fostering curiosity , and inspiring further exploration and education about clean energy practices . This engagement with the captivating birds at TSS enhances the visitor experience and catalyses raising awareness and mobilising more individuals to actively support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals , thus propelling progress towards a sustainable future .
The three-month study conducted to document bird species at TSS was an important endeavour to understand the local avian biodiversity . However , it is essential to note that the study primarily focused on identifying and documenting bird species rather than quantifying their specific impact on ecosystem balance . Consequently , information regarding the number of seeds dispersed by the birds or the extent to which they control insect or rodent populations was not determined . While the study provided invaluable insights into the diverse bird species present at TSS , further research and studies would be necessary to quantitatively assess the precise contributions of these bird populations to the ecosystem ’ s overall balance .
One significant outcome of this collaboration was the debunking of a prevailing myth that birds are attracted to solar panels due to their resemblance to water , causing them to dive into the panels . Contrary to popular belief , SARANG ’ s expertise revealed that birds are much smarter than to mistake solar panels for water . This revelation opens new avenues for research at TNB Renewables because it allows them to shift their focus towards exploring the actual factors that influence bird interactions with solar installations , such as the physical characteristics of the solar farm or any environmental factors . In addition , SARANG also shed light on the habitat preferences of local bird species . For example , the observation that owls did not utilise the previously installed birdhouse revealed the importance of providing a variety of nesting options . This new understanding paves the way for an improved biological approach to rodent populations within the solar farm , as well as contributing to bird conservation strategies which would cater to the diverse needs of the local bird populations .
Given the uncertainties surrounding the potential impact of purposely creating a conducive environment , particularly in light of a previous instance where an abundance of sparrows negatively affected transformer operation at another TNB site , a cautious