Ingenieur Vol 90 | Page 17

How to update Form G where it is applicable ? 1 . The PSP assigns Form G4 to the SP of a Civil discipline for Structural Works .
2 . The PSP by clicking on the list of SPs will be brought to the BEM database and he can search for the appointed SP by name .
3 . Upon selection , the SP ’ s registration number will automatically appear .
4 . Similarly , the PSP searches for the ECP that SP represents .
5 . If the selected SP is not a director of the ECP then tick the box that he is not a director of the ECP .
6 . Click update button to update the Form G4 .
7 . Once updated the system will be redirected back to Manage CCC page . 8 . The changes will be saved . 9 . The Form G4 status on the table will be updated as pending . 10 . The system automatically sends an email to the assigned SP .
11 . The SP receives email notification to fill up particulars about the project and his personal details and then submits the Form G4 : Structural .
12 . The SP has to login to the MyBEM system using his account credentials . 13 . The SP has to fill up Form G4 and submit it . 14 . The PSP may check the verification status of all assigned SPs . 15 . The PSP may note the SP ’ s verification status for the Form G4 . 16 . The PSP may remind the SP to complete and submit the Form G4 . 17 . The SP fills up and submits the Form G4
( Structural ). 18 . The SP logs in to complete and submit the
Form G4 . 19 . The SP clicks Verify Assigned Form G4 . 20 . The SP notes incomplete status under Verify Assigned if the Form G4 is still pending after the award of Civil contracts .
21 . The SP click on Details to proceed with the next phase of the Form G4 submission process .
22 . The SP completes the Form G4 by filling in the contractor ’ s name and CIDB registration number and date . If there is no relevant body in respect of registration ,
Form G10 page
the SP inserts the contractor ’ s NRIC number .
23 . The SP must upload the supporting documents as indicated on each page of the Form G4 .
24 . The SP may download the Form G4 when the project is completed .
25 . Once the Form G4 is ready ( signed and stamped ), the SP has to up-upload the Form and click Save to complete the process .
26 . The SP has to mark this process as completed . 27 . The form will be sent to the PSP . 28 . The system will prompt the SP to confirm submission of the Form G4 . 29 . The SP may click Yes , to confirm or click Cancel to make further revisions , if any .
30 . Once confirmed , the process is irreversible and the SP has to make a trip to BEM HQ to make any changes to the Form G4 .
31 . An email will be sent to the PSP to inform him that the SP has completed and submitted the Form G4 .
32 . At the SP verification tray , the re-uploaded Form will be marked as Uploaded , and the Completion Status will be marked as Completed .
33 . The SP may view the details but cannot make any changes .
The process of confirming which Forms G are not applicable and updating Forms G where applicable are similar except for the details of the contractor , and vendor , supporting letters from Agencies and Authorities to be filled in and uploaded . In the case of a deemed approval , the PSP has to upload the confirmation letter by the SP to the Agency / Authority that all requirements by him have been complied with and is now