Ingenieur Vol 90 | Page 15

The Uniform Building By-Laws of the Street , Drainage and Building Act 1974 were amended to incorporate the CCC regime . All 21 Forms G are required to be signed by the Submitting Persons ( SPs )/ Licensed Professionals to support the issuance of Form F ( CCC ) by the PSP . The idea is to hold every party in the Building Industry responsible and accountable for their actions in a project . The PSP is responsible for the implementation of the whole project by ensuring that only qualified persons registered with the appropriate regulatory bodies are employed for the project , that all statutory and Authorities ’ technical requirements are met , and the project is properly supervised by qualified site supervisory staff . The Submitting Person or Licensed Professional is fully responsible for the design and supervision of each area of his expertise . The site supervisory staff employed by the SP or Licensed Professional support them in carrying out their duties and responsibilities . The site supervisory staff will be held accountable for any supervisory negligence in the latest version of the UBBL dated December 31 , 2021 , which has already been already gazetted by the Federal Government and is now pending adoption by the respective State Governments .
Similarly , Contractors and Trade Vendors will be held responsible for the quality of their workmanship and materials used . In the supply of essential utilities to the owner , every supply agency has to give a letter of support that the services are available and ready for connection before the SP can sign his respective Form G . Similarly , support letters or other confirming evidence that a particular service has been inspected and permitted for safe operation , is required for the certification of other Forms G . Hence the CCC manual system is a comprehensive process involving multiple parties coming together to get all the 21 Forms G signed before the PSP can sign off the Form F to declare the building safe and fit for occupation to the Owner , with copies submitted to the Board of Engineers Malaysia ( BEM ) and the Local Authority within 14 days of the CCC issuance . Certain Forms G are provided with a deeming clause of approval should the Authority not issue approval within a stipulated time period provided the SP has confirmed in writing that all works are satisfactorily completed . Hence the CCC concept is simple , but implementation may appear complicated to the uninitiated . BEM provides a comprehensive guide on how to fill the forms and a frequently asked questions list ( FAQs ) to assist engineers on the BEM Website .
The CCC online system basically replicates the manual system in its process so that submissions can be speeded up while incorporating particular safeguards and interlocks to aid the PSP and SP avoid common mistakes or mis-steps prevalent in the manual submission system , and to mitigate against fraudulent activities . The system does not in any way affect the present One-Stop Centre ( OSC ) process as it runs parallel to the OSC Online system , wherein the physical Form F still has to be submitted to the Local Authorities as before . BEM is presently seeking to integrate the CCC online system with the OSC Online system developed under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government . Once this has been completed , the CCC forms can be automatically presented online to the appropriate Local Authority immediately upon issuance of the CCC by the PSP . BEM has also offered the Board of Architects Malaysia ( BAM ) the opportunity to expand the CCC online system to incorporate projects where architects are the PSPs . A definite requirement on BAM ’ s part is the issuance of a Form F1 which is applicable for integrated developments requiring a phased completion , where the architects are the PSPs . BEM no longer allows the issuance of a Form F1 by engineers after encountering issues of a converted Form F1 into Form F . Phased development of projects under engineers , are usually more appropriate using multiple Forms F , given the nature of the projects handled by engineers . Case-by-case approval of BEM is required for any intended Form F1 issuance .
1 . There is no processing fee . 2 . BEM Admin receives an e-record of a CCC submission almost instantaneously .