Ingenieur Vol 89 2022 | Page 37

Figure 9 : Production of methanol from natural gas feedstock developed by students using Aspen Plus
Process Simulation
In chemical engineering , process simulation is a key technology in the design of a chemical production plant . Chemical plant designs involve chemical process synthesis , which explores the design of established chemical processes . Process synthesis often encompasses the modification and optimisation of a chemical process to cater to critical business decisions in the industry . Meanwhile , process simulation enables optimisation in decision-making for the design and operation of a complex chemical plant . This could help engineers in performing material and energy integration , risk assessment , cost optimisation , operational feasibility , and to develop Industry 4.0 strategies . Industry 4.0 has been a significant driver for educators in embracing digital technologies and specialist software to equip students to better face constant changing challenges in the industry .
At XMUM , process simulation is introduced to students in the Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Processes course using a process simulation software , Aspen Plus . In this course , problem solving , critical assessment , decision making , and teamwork skills are developed through problem-based learning using simulation software . Students are tasked to solve an openended problem by designing a chemical process coupled with various technological , environmental , and economic constraints . They are required to evaluate various established chemical processes in the industry , consider various modifications and optimisation strategies in established
chemical processes and make sound decisions . Such a study involves the scrutiny of countless chemical processes which revolve around performing repetitive material and energy balance calculations . In this case , Aspen Plus can aid in eliminating iterative calculations , and the role of the students can be condensed to focus on problem solving , critical analysis and making important decisions .
Chemical process safety is inherently an integral part of a chemical plant design . In one of the assessments , process safety evaluation is integrated into a specific section of the design during process synthesis and simulation . The section of interest is carefully selected to study any scenario that might raise safety concerns , for example , gas leakage in a methanol production plant . CFD analysis is used to simulate the distribution of the methanol gas in the plant using the ANSYS Fluent , exploring any safety hazards that might occur in the plant . This allows students to understand the interaction between the process design and any inherent safety concerns .
System Optimisation
The scientific discipline of process systems engineering ( PSE ) covers the development of methods to model , design and control processes and enhancement of decision-making processes for the synthesis of the chemical supply chain . Mathematical modelling and optimisation , process synthesis and design , product design are among the topics that fall under PSE . As the principles