iii . 3-D printing
Printing submodules or complete concrete structures before assembly and internal work could transform the industry in design , cost , and time . However , 3-D printing is still in the early stages of its development and cannot yet be deployed at the scale and speed required for large projects .
iv . Robot-assembled construction
Construction projects are inherently unstructured and often unpredictable ; they can also be sited in difficult terrains and environments . For these reasons , the use of robots has been limited so far . However , robots are now being selectively used for repetitive and predictable activities , such as tiling , bricklaying , welding and spool fabrication , demolition , and concrete recycling .
Blockchain ( Source : World Economic Forum )
The pandemic has revealed limitations in the capacity of global infrastructure to respond to crises – what role can blockchain play in future crises ?
As the world economy embarks on its journey of recovery , new questions are emerging about the role that disruptive technologies may play in preparing global infrastructure to respond to the next crisis . Certainly , no technology — including blockchain and digital assets — can ever serve as a silver bullet in this regard . Despite challenges and a limited number of large-scale projects to date , the characteristics of blockchain and digital assets — such as their capacity to increase trust through transparency of transactions and the establishment of a “ single source of truth ” — may help in meaningful ways in the longer term .
For example , blockchain could offer the kind of auditability that ensures that material provenance is completely traceable . The use of smart contracts — self-executing contracts that contain conditions embedded in code — could provide situational flexibility as supply chains experience changing circumstances . Blockchain ’ s characteristic immutability and transparency of transactions as a “ single source of truth ” could increase trust in the accuracy of critical official data during a crisis .
Industrial robot welder welding i beam steel structure
The proliferation of digital assets could also help facilitate stimulus payments and charitable giving during a crisis . The list goes on .
While blockchain and digital assets may not serve as an immediate solution in the current crisis , initiatives in development could illustrate the potential of the technology for future crises :
a . Supply-chain optimisation Blockchain can be deployed to drive collaboration between diverse actors in the supply chain . Collaborative ecosystem solutions such as these may one day lessen the stress placed upon supply chains during a crisis , especially during its early stages
b . Central bank digital currency Anticipated benefits include greater efficiencies in Government services such as tax collection or stimulus payments .
c . Blockchain-based global remittances Global remittances represent an important part of support for families across the globe — especially during times of crisis . The system enables Bangladeshi expats in Malaysia to transfer remittances to their home country without the limitations of the more labour-intensive traditional approach — in essence increasing transparency and allowing funds to be distributed at speed .