At 220C and 50 % relative humidity over 24 hour period
Specimen selection
Thickness of specimen during actual test
Specimen conditioning
Specimen size must cover the entire heat flow metering area
Measurement on specimen
Figure 4 : Fox 314 heat flow meter
Thermal conductivity testing
Source of uncertainty identification
Generation of results
Figure 5 : Transducer position in Fox 314 Heat Flow Meter
Measurement of uncertainty ≤ 3 %?
of the plates to provide accurate readings of the surface temperatures of the sample .
Testing Procedure The process flow for the thermal conductivity test is shown in Figure 6 .
It is important that the size of the specimen to be tested covers the entire heat flow metering area to ensure uniform thermal conductivity , this procedure is shown in Figure 7 .
Test Results The average thermal transmission properties of a specimen , in this case the elastomeric foam with nitrile rubber , is shown in Figure 8 . It can be observed that the average k-value for the specimen is 0.05981 W / mK , whereas the value in the manufacturer catalogue is 0.056 W / mK , a difference of 6 %. It should be noted that the value in the catalogue was measured using EN 12667 , a different testing standard which is currently under review .
Generation of test report
Figure 6 : Procedures for thermal conductivity testing of building materials
Figure 7 : Material sample in the heat flow meter chamber