Work From Home : Occupational Safety and Health Perspective
By Ir . Ts . Dr Majahar Bin Abd Rahman Ts . Muhammad Shah Bin Ab Rahim Mohd Faizal Bin Mohd Hatta Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia
According to the International Labour Organisation ( ILO ), work from home ( WFH ) is defined as a work arrangement in which an employee fulfils his or her job responsibilities while at home . In the context of occupational safety and health , this definition can be more specific as a work arrangement in which an employee fulfils his or her job responsibilities while at home safely and healthily .
In Malaysia , the implementation of WFH is recognised as an alternative method of working to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic . This is also recommended by the Government since the outbreak of this pandemic began on March 18 , 2020 , to minimise contact among workers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 , especially in the workplace environment .
Benefits of WFH
According to the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM ), Singapore , there are various benefits that can be obtained by employers and employees through the implementation of WFH , including : i . Reduction of operating costs including travel time ; ii . Greater autonomy and flexibility in the organisation of work ; iii . Better work-life balance ;