Ingenieur Vol 89 2022 | Page 30

Figure 2 : Tech-savvy beggars in China1
a human needs 2 including ( but not limited to ) transferring funds or making payments . Various web applications have already been or are being broadened and / or customised offering the services on a smartphone or other handheld devices . That being the case , since the social media payment platforms and the mobile payment platforms are now inevitably inter-related , the discussion of the former remains incomplete without the discussion of latter . b
Figure 1a and 1b : Rai ( Fei ) Stone Money of the Yap Society
Mobile payment is a very widely used broad term , without having any firm definition . In its simplest form , any payment or transfer of funds completed using a smartphone or any other mobile / handheld device can be categorised as a mobile payment . Rather than adopting any traditional route of payment , e . g ., cash , cards , cheques , etc ., payment is made using the user ’ s own device through mobile wallet or mobile apps . In fact , there are now so many mobile payment platforms available in the market , users are spoiled for choices . These include ( but obviously not limited to ): GrabPay , ShopeePay , PayPal Mobile , Apple Pay , Google Wallet , WeChat Pay , Samsung Pay , AliPay , Square Order , MasterCard MasterPass , Intuit GoPayment , Paydiant , Android Pay , Visa Checkout , etc . There are several models of mobile payment , mainly based on the techniques and technologies used . However , the following are the major ones :
Short Messege Service ( SMS ) Payment Payments , as the name implies , are made by sending an SMS . Based on the agreed amount , as shown on the SMS , the sender is charged by the
Figure 2 : Tech-savvy beggars in China 1
1 http :// www . tammyduffy . com / ARTFASHION / index . blog ? entry _ id = 2368874
2 Mahdi H . Miraz , Peter Excell and Maaruf Ali , " User Interface ( UI ) Design Issues for the Multilingual Users : A Case Study ", in the International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society , Print ISSN : 1615-5289 , E- ISSN : 1615-5297 , August 2016 , Vol . 15 , No . 3 , pp 431-444 , Published by Springer-Verlag , DOI : 10.1007 / s10209-014-0397-5 . Available : https :// link . springer . com / epdf / 10.1007 / s10209-014-0397-5 .