The advantage of this system is that it is capable of resolving problems , particularly public complaints from road users in the event of traffic light damage , and it allows the department to maintain traffic lights effectively .
● Provide status reports in real-time
● Ensure system accessibility from any mobile device
● Collect data more efficiently
● Communicate with other devices such as CCTV , flood sensors , etc .
● Communicate with other devices .
Potential Market The potential application of STARS are as follows :
● Traffic management to improve mobility in the city . A three-fold outcome is expected , including analysis of traffic conditions , optimisation of traffic signals and detection of accidents or traffic incidents .
● It can optimise the flow of vehicle and traffic signals by calculating the time to reach intersections .
● it will also be able to generate structured summaries of data , such as traffic volume and speed according to lanes , which can be used to facilitate other tasks , including incident detection .
Since 2018 , JKR CKE Kelantan has been implementing the innovative product with the STARS system monitoring 34 % of Kelantan ' s total traffic lights . The innovative development was to achieve or support the JKR framework 2021- 2025 under Theme 5 : Innovative Organisation . The STARS system is used to replace conventional traffic light monitoring systems , which have been used for a long period .
STARS is capable of solving difficulties through the use of high-tech , inventive , simple , and effective approaches . This innovation has the potential to boost the department ' s efficiency in obtaining the most up-to-date information and delivering it to road users . The advantage of this system is that it is capable of resolving problems , particularly public complaints from road users in the event of traffic light damage , and it allows the department to maintain traffic lights effectively . The most recent traffic light damage information can be broadcast through the Telegram app . This information is available online to the public and officers , creating demand for potential market applications .
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the Centre of Excellence for Engineering & Technology ( CREaTE ), Dynamic Traffic System Sdn Bhd and TM One teams for all the support rendered to the development of the Smart Traffic Analytics & Recognition System .
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