First Industrial revolution ( IR 1.0 ) Second Industrial Revolution ( IR 2.0 )
Between the late 1700s and the early 1800s , there was a revolution . Manufacturing progressed over time from focusing on manual labour performed by humans and supported by work animals to a more optimised form of labour conducted by humans through the use of water and steam-powered engines , as well as various sorts of machine tools .
Beginning in the late 1950s , a third industrial revolution began to emerge as manufacturers sought to integrate more electronics and , eventually , computer technology into their facilities . During this time , manufacturers began to move their focus away from analogue and mechanical technologies and toward digital technology and automation software .
With the advent of steel and the use of electricity in industries in the early 20th century , the world started a second industrial revolution . With the arrival of electricity , manufacturers were able to boost efficiency and make factory machines more mobile . As a means of increasing productivity , mass manufacturing techniques such as the assembly line were developed during this phase .
A fourth industrial revolution , known as Industry 4.0 , has evolved in recent decades . With the help of interconnection via the Internet of Things ( IoT ), access to real-time data , and the introduction of cyber-physical systems , Industry 4.0 pushes the emphasis on digital technology from recent decades to a whole new level . Industry 4.0 enables corporate owners to gain a deeper understanding of and control over every part of their operations , as well as to utilise real-time data to raise productivity , improve procedures , and drive growth .
Third Industrial Revolution ( IR 3.0 ) Fourth Industrial Revolution ( IR 4.0 )
Table 1 : Stages of Industrial Revolution
lights , data visualisation , and analytics using a single platform from a Malaysia-based mobile provider . The concept " traffic management " refers to a set of procedures designed to protect traffic capacity while also improving the security , safety , and dependability of the overall road traffic system . Smart Traffic Analytics & Recognition System ( STARS ) is the term given to the intelligent monitoring system .
Since 2018 , JKR , through its Cawangan Kejuruteraan Elektrik ( CKE ) Kelantan , has taken the challenge to benefit from IoT technologies to improve their monitoring , reporting and other aspects of operating traffic lights in 10 districts in Kelantan , where 34 % of traffic lights in Kelantan are installed with the STARS system .
STARS is a traffic management system that enhances existing traffic control systems by offering central monitoring , visualisation of data , and analytic capabilities on a single platform . It enables authorities ( such as JKR and municipal councils ) to centrally monitor all traffic signals under their control on a single platform . It would also notify all specified stakeholders of any difficulties and the progress of their resolution . This escalation is carried out using the cell phone of the stakeholders , using the chat application ' Telegram .'
STARS was developed to improve the conventional monitoring of traffic light cycles during normal and heavy traffic , particularly on celebration days , school holidays and public holidays , as traffic in Kelantan is congested during these peak times . The time quality management of their staff can also be improved by implementing this STARS technology .
STARS is a technology utilised in traffic light systems to actualise the Industrial Revolution