Figure 1 : Construction 4.0 Transformative Framework ( Sawhney et al ., 2020 )
Figure 2 : 12 Emerging Technologies listed in Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan ( 2021-2025 ) ( CIDB , 2020 )
The term Construction 4.0 was introduced with the launching of the Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan ( 2021-2025 ) by the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia ( CIDB ). The strategic plan was purposely structured to revolutionise the Malaysian construction industry through digitalisation . Through the mission to transform the Malaysian construction industry by empowering smart construction for future society , the strategic plan highlights the focus on shifting it towards digital transformation ( CIDB , 2020 ). Twelve main emerging technologies have been listed to assist the digital transformation in the construction industry as stated in Figure 2 .
The implementation of these 12 technologies has been divided into three main periods , short (< one year ), medium (< three years ) and long term (< five years ). Six main technologies have been identified for short-term implementation , for example , Building Information Modelling ( BIM ), Prefabrication and Modular Construction , Autonomous Construction , Augmented Reality and Virtualisation , Cloud and Realtime Collaboration , and 3D Scanning and Photogrammetry . Most of these technologies are already being applied by other industry players and some are now common practice in construction . Furthermore , Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things have been listed for medium-term implementation while the rest , 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing , Advanced Building Materials , Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence have been selected for long-term implementation .
How do Construction 4.0 technologies help the advancement of the Malaysian construction industry ? Let ’ s go back into the history of how the construction industry underwent its revolution from the early implementation . Being a subset of IR4.0 , Construction 4.0 has undergone tremendous transformations for decades . Construction 1.0 has been applied by all industry players where it mainly focused on mechanisation through manual methods , with no technology being applied and as a result is labour intensive , for example , manual construction drawing . This era witnessed more manpower usage and less productivity being achieved as the bulk of work was done manually . However , the rise of the second Industrial Revolution in the early 20 th century transformed all industries , including the construction industry as they moved into Construction 2.0 . This is where conveyor belts