Ready-mix concrete is a major CHG emitter
and metal . It is estimated that the target can be achieved by reducing around 6-7 % of the GHG emissions of these five materials alone .
The study recommended follow-up research projects to be carried out to establish a “ Low Carbon Construction Road Map ,” which includes but is not limited to , the following :
● Revision on the 4 million tCO 2 eq . GHG reduction target set under CITP based on findings of this study and setting the reduction strategies .
● Detailed target setting plan for the potential reduction of the embodied carbon in consultation together with stakeholders .
● Detailed study on a benchmarking carbon labelling scheme for construction materials .
● Detailed feasibility study on low carbon construction material replacement and recycling of C & D waste .
CIDB . ( 2016 ). Construction Industry Transformation Programme 2016-2020 ( Publication ). Retrieved from Construction Industry Development Board website : http :// www . citp . my / wp-content / uploads / 0 . -CITP-eBook-complete . pdf
CIDB . ( 2020 ). GHG Emissions for Construction Industry in Malaysia ( Rep . No . 27 ). CIDB .
IPCC . ( 2000 , May ). Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories ( Tech .). Retrieved from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change website : https :// www . ipcc-nggip . iges . or . jp / public / gp / english /
IPCC . ( 2007 , April ). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories ( Publication ). Retrieved from Institute for Global Environmental Strategies ( IGES ) website : https :// www . ipcc-nggip . iges . or . jp / public / 2006gl /
IPCC . ( 2015 ). Climate Change 2014 : Synthesis Report . Contribution of Working Groups I , II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( Rep .). Retrieved from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change website : https :// www . ipcc . ch / site / assets / uploads / 2018 / 05 / SYR _ AR5 _ FINAL _ full _ wcover . pdf
MESTECC . ( 2018 , August ). Malaysia Third National Communication and Second Biennial Update Report to UNFCCC ( Rep .). Retrieved from Ministry of Energy , Science , Technology , Environment and Climate Change website : https :// unfccc . int / sites / default / files / resource / Malaysia % 20NC3 % 20 BUR2 _ final % 20high % 20res . pdf
UNFCCC . ( n . d .). The Paris Agreement . Retrieved May 05 , 2021 , from https :// unfccc . int / processand-meetings / the-paris-agreement / the-parisagreement