ingenieur Vol 88 Oct-Dec2021 Vol.88 | Page 45

GHG Emission ( million tCO 2 eq .)
Construction Material
Construction Site
2016 45.6 1.2 4.9 51.8 16 % 2017 67.9 2.1 5.2 75.3 24 % 2018 71.8 2.3 5.5 79.6 25 % 2019 66.8 2.3 5.6 74.6 23 %
Average ( 2017 – 2019 )
Average Distribution ( 2017 – 2019 )
68.8 2.2 5.5 76.5 24 %
90 % 3 % 7 %
Table 4 : Total GHG emissions from cradle-to-site ( 2016 – 2019 )
% compared to National GHG Emissions 2014 ( NC3 / BUR2 )
2 : Average of GHG emissions ( million tCO 2 eq .) from the construction industry ( 2017-to 2019 )
construction site emissions , and the remaining 2 % from the transportation of construction material .
As shown in Figure 3 , out of the average total GHG emissions for the years 2017 – 2019 , 7 % was from the construction site , 90 % from fuel consumption , 6 % from electricity consumption and the remaining 4 % was from waste treatment and transportation . For fuel consumption , bitumen was identified as the main contributor ( 42 %), followed by diesel ( 35 %), lubricant ( 12 %), and liquefied petroleum gases ( LPG ) ( 11 %).
Projection of Baseline GHG Emissions ( 2020 to 2050 ) The projection of GHG emissions contributed by the construction industry ( cradle-to-site ) in Malaysia for the year 2020 to 2050 was carried out under this study . The material consumption , fuel consumption , electricity consumption , and waste projections up to 2050 were estimated using the econometric approach . The economic indicators used in a projection such as gross domestic product ( GDP ) were taken from the
Figure 3 : Average GHG emissions ( million
tCO 2 eq .) from the construction site ( 2017 to 2019 )
Department of Statistics Malaysia ( DOSM ), Economic Planning Unit ( EPU ), and the World Bank . The historical correlation between consumption of construction materials and energy demand , as well as macroeconomic and activity indicators , were derived by regression analysis . It was projected that the total GHG emissions of 147 million tCO 2 eq . ( 92 % increase as compared to 2020 ) will be emitted from the construction industry ( cradle-to-site only ) by the