revision was introduced . This standard is called Construction Industry Standard ( CIS 7:2014 ) and has been used until the present .
CIS 7:2014 is separated into four components . Assessment on workmanship is done independently on these components and points are granted if the workmanship conforms to the standards . These points are then summarised to give an all-out quality score called the QLASSIC Score for the building .
The components are as follow :
a . Structural Works The structural integrity of the building is of paramount importance as the cost of failure and repairs are very significant . The assessment of structural works comprises : i . Site inspection of formwork , steel reinforcement , prefabricated or pre-cast elements , etc ., during construction . ii . Laboratory testing on compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength of steel reinforcement . iii . Non-destructive testing of the uniformity and the cover of hardened concrete .
b . Architectural Works Architectural works deal mainly with the finishes . This is the part where the quality and standard of workmanship are most visible . Architectural works include floors , internal walls , ceiling , door and window , fixtures and fittings , external wall , roofs , driveway , porch , and apron .
c . Mechanical and Electrical ( M & E ) Works The quality of M & E works is important given its increasingly high cost in proportion to the total cost , and its impact on the performance of a building . Generally , the assessment covers electrical works , air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation works ( ACMV ), fire protection works , sanitary and plumbing works , lifts , escalators and other basic M & E fittings .
d . External Works External works cover the general external elements in construction such as link-way shelters , drains , road works , car parks , footpaths , turfings , playgrounds , gates and fences , swimming pools , hardscapes and electrical substation . In the
Workers finishing facade work
Construction Industry Standard , the weightage for structural , architectural , M & E and external works are allocated in accordance to four categories of buildings . The weightage system aims to make the QLASSIC score representative of the quality of a building and is a compromise between the cost proportions of the four components in various buildings and aesthetic considerations . The QLASSIC score of a building is the sum of points awarded to the four components in each category of a building .
CIS 7 sets out the standards for the various aspects of construction work and awards points for works that meet the standards . These points are then summed up to give a total quality score called the QLASSIC Score for the building project . It covers most aspects of general building architectural works and assessments are typically carried out upon completion of the building and before handing over the project to the owner . Completion of the assessment shall be referred to the conditions under the QLASSIC scheme .
The assessment consists of the following components and sub-components :
a . Architectural Works i . Internal Finishes ii . External Finishes iii . Basic M & E Fittings iv . Material and Functional Tests