Figure 2 : Formwork and falsework are “ engineering solutions ” used to support wet concrete to form permanent structures ( for example , reinforced concrete columns , beams and slabs ) during construction .
Temporary Works During Construction Stage 2 and the CIS 23 Safe Use of Falsework in Construction by the Construction Industry Development Board ( CIDB ) 3 .
Safety Issues
In essence , formwork and falsework are temporary structures used to support or enable the construction of permanent structures . The safety aspects of formwork and falsework during construction are generally covered under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 ( OSHA ). The OSHA prescribes the general duties of the contractor as an employer to ensure that the falsework and formwork are safe for the workers , and provide the safe system of work ( commonly known as method statement or safe work procedure ) based on the risk assessment carried out during the planning and design phases of the construction project . The safe work procedure must be fail-safe to ensure that workers are not at risk of injury .
The specific duty of the contractor on safe design and use of formwork and falsework is prescribed in the Factories and Machinery ( Building Operation and Engineering Construction Works ) ( Safety ) Regulations or BOWECS . The BOWECS Regulations indicate that falsework or supports , braces and other struts are part of the formwork . The Special Order is introduced to further explain the expectation of the law towards the manager of construction work , who is employed by the contractor , in relation to the safety management of formwork and falsework during construction . Any manager who fails to comply with the Special Order shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding RM200,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both .
Available online at http :// www . bem . org . my / documents / 20181 / 50002 / GL + 001 + Temporary + Works . pdf /
At the time of writing , this document is currently under review by CIDB .