Frequency of stakeholders’ exposure to
stated causes of building failure
Legislation regulating the various phases
along the construction supply chain in
relation to causes of building failure
In terms of frequency of exposure to building
failures, the number of such causes under the
categories of high, medium and low is as follows:
: 6
Medium : 38
Low : 11
The majority of the identified causes of failure
are in the medium range of frequency of possible
occurrences comprising 69% of the total. Of these,
contractors have the highest exposure rate (16),
followed by engineers (10), developers (9), and
supervisors (6). As such, more attention should be
placed with these four categories of stakeholders
to minimise building failure or mishaps on site.
See Table 2 and Charts 2 and 3.
Generally, the regulating authorities have limited
resources to inspect every detail and even if
this is done, there is no guarantee that mishaps
will not happen. The Local Authorities’ technical
personnel are generally not conversant with
the requirements of design codes and work
specifications. In fact, most of their professional
staff are not registered with the regulatory
boards. The primary function of regulatory
staff is to ensure compliance with procedures
and policies of the Government. In fact, the
Governmental trend now is shifting towards
self-regulation where a bigger burden will be
imposed upon the professional consultant to
Stakeholder No. of exposures As % of total
Contractor (Cr) 16 67
Engineer (Ir) 10 42
Developer (Dv) 9 37
Supervisor (Ss) 6 25
Architect (Ar) 4 17
Local authority (La) 3 13
Pentadbir Tanah (PT) 3 13
Planner (Pl) 2 8
Other agencies (Oa) 2 8
Table 1: Stakeholder’ exposures to causes of building failure that occur along the supply chain
Dv Cr Ar Ir Ss PT La Pl Oa Total %
H 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 11
M 4 15 2 6 6 2 1 1 1 38 69
L 3 0 1 4 0 1 1 1 0 11 20
Total 9 16 4 10 6 3 3 2 2 55
Table 2: Frequency of stakeholders’ exposure to stated causes of
building failure (H-high, M-medium, L –Low)