Ingenieur Vol 77 Jan-Mar 2019 ingenieur 2019 Jan-March | Page 41

Drivers for Future AI Growth By Eric Xu Huawei Rotating Chairman Huawei outlines ten changes related to AI technology, talent, and industry development that will lay a solid foundation for future AI growth. Huawei Rotating Chairman Eric Xu’s keynote address at HUAWEI CONNECT 2018 addresses these changes. He also announced Huawei’s AI strategy and its full-stack, all-scenario artificial intelligence (AI) portfolio. AI is the overall outcome of 60 years of development in ICT I n 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was proposed at the Dartmouth Workshop organised by John McCarthy, an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Dartmouth College. That was more than 60 years ago. Since that time, we have seen two AI winters, when funding and interest in AI research reduced sharply. Despite these setbacks, AI has never stopped advancing. In 1971, Intel introduced the fir st microprocessor. That was almost 50 years ago, and Moore’s law has continued to hold true throughout the robust development of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry. If we overlay graphs of AI and ICT development cycles over the past 60 years, it is clear that advances in AI and ICT are closely related. Academic research findings and engineering advances go hand in hand. In the past, we went through two AI winters because expectations for AI were way beyond the engineering capacity of the ICT industry at the time. The good news is that each winter eventually gave way to spring, marking a new beginning for AI. Today, we again find ourselves in a season of harvest, one made possible through six decades of commitment and collaboration between academic and industry stakeholders in ICT domains. Moving forward, we need to make full use of AI technology. We need to start reaping the benefits sooner rather than later, and work hard to expand its value. We have to do what we can to extend this harvest season. Let’s plant AI along the equator, so to speak, to create an environment where it can continue to blossom and thrive. AI is a new general purpose technology We cannot fully unleash the value of a technology unless we properly define its positioning. This is essential for us to truly understand and adopt AI technology. At Huawei we recognise AI as a combination of technologies that, together, form a new general 39