For most of human civilisation,
our economy has been ‘linear’ –
raw materials are used to make a
product and once it reaches the
end of its lifespan, it is thrown
away. So a linear economy would
look something like this:
From Linear
to Circular:
Figure 3: Smart technologies are changing how the physical
workplace operates to increase levels of creativity, productivity
and innovation
Take -> Make -> Dispose
Since the advent of recycling, manufacturers
and Governments worldwide are encouraging
consumer s and enterprise s to recycle
materials. A circular economy takes this further:
manufacturers create reusable products and
parts from raw materials sourced sustainably,
and these materials are reused or recycled back
into the same products or parts at the end of
their lifespan:
Make -> Use -> Return -> Make
Signify recognises the importance and advantages
of the circular economy and as such, came up
with Circular Lighting – sustainable LED lighting
fixtures that are purposely designed with the
circular economy in mind. In order for a Signify LED
luminaire to be circular economy ready, it must
consist of the following features:
1. Modular Design
Standardised components that allow for quick,
easy replacement with reusable parts
2. Upgradeable
Upgradeable to connected lighting system,
allowing for more efficient energy management
3. Disassembly
LED lighting fixture can be taken apart in a
non-destructive manner in less than 5 steps
4. Easy to Maintain
Lower failure rates from efficient spare parts
and asset management
5. Recycling
Product breakdown can be filtered by waste
streams of materials
The luminaires can be repurposed in several
environmentally friendly ways – in a circular
lighting contract; to the second-hand market;
via extraction of spare parts; and eventually
into recycled materials. Enterprises immediately
benefit through cost savings from not having to
constantly buy and replace lighting products, while
Signify conserves as many resources as possible.
Signify’s Circular Economy-ready luminaires
perform even more effectively within a Lighting as
a Service (LaaS) performance contract. Instead
of ownership, enterprises can use or purchase
light. Throughout its contract period, Signify will
maintain, refurbish, recycle as well as harvest the
parts of its LED lighting fixtures. At the end of the
contract, the same luminaires will be repurposed.
This allows Signify to maximise the reusability of
the luminaires while minimising wastage.