Ingenieur Vol 76 ingenieur 2018 October | Page 82

INGENIEUR b. Energy consumption after construction is complete. Most of this energy is consumed through electrical appliances, such as lights, air conditioning systems, escalators and elevators. Policy options for improving end-use efficiency in the construction and buildings sector are as follows: a. Adopting appropriate regulations and legislation on building codes and minimum energy performance standards (MEPS). b. Increasing awareness and sensitization of all stakeholders. Information campaigns through mass media can be conducted by governments to promote energy- efficient technologies and practices. Other activities could include celebrating energy conservation day or week or year, recognising best practices and innovation and granting awards to meritorious persons and entities for their energy conservation initiatives. c. Implementing education and training activities or programmes (short, medium and long term) to have qualified workforce at all levels, from architects and engineers to masons. d. Strengthening research, development and deployment of building prototypes that incorporate the latest innovations in design, materials, products and systems. e. Creating market for energy efficiency by establishing favourable energy pricing, setting up demonstration facilities to validate the energy efficiency potential of products and processes, encouraging innovative technolog y procurement, establishing energy service companies (ESCOs) and improving the bidding process for goods and services for buildings owned by the Government. f. Providing investment for accelerated adoption of energy efficiency policies through an appropriate mechanism. Grants and subsidies can be used as flexible and effective solutions for supporting different 6 80 VOL 2018 VOL 76 55 OCTOBER-DECEMBER JUNE 2013 activities related to energy efficiency. Financial incentives and other instruments could be used to encourage consumers to invest in energy-efficient buildings D. Electrical appliances in domestic and other sectors The varieties and extent of the use of electrical appliances in the construction and buildings sector are so large that the share of electrical energy in this sector has been increasing in almost every country. Policy options designed to accelerate the move towards a sustainable energy future include: a. Providing free or low-cost energy audits for medium-sized industries. b. Conducting information campaigns through the mass media in order to promote energy-efficient appliances. c. P r e s c r i b i n g m i n i m u m e n e r g y performance standards (MEPS), which could be voluntary or mandatory, including testing procedures and protocols for manufactured products. Such standards could be applied before the products are introduced to the market. d. Creating equipment rebate programs for the purchase or manufacture of energy- efficient products. e. Implementing energy labelling programs to indicate the energy performance of manufactured products. f. Establishing low-interest loan programs for the purchase of energy-efficient equipment. g. Providing tax and fiscal incentives for the purchase or import of high-efficiency appliances. h. Encouraging the formation and operation of energy service companies (ESCOs) to help clients save energy. i. Establishing an apex body to coordinate all energy-efficiency activities.