Deadline: August 31, 2018
The amended Registration of Engineers Act
(Revised 2015) (REA) which came into force on
July 31, 2015 requires all Inspector of Works
(IOW) to be registered with BEM.
Under section 7(1B)(ab) of the REA, an IOW
who is registered with the Board may, subject to
section 8, take up employment which requires
him to assist the Professional Engineer in the
supervision of engineering works.
The registration of IOW will be under the three
major engineering disciplines i.e. Civil, Electrical
and Mechanical or any other disciplines
deemed appropriate.
All existing IOWs who are currently under
employment of any Engineering Consultancy
Practice (ECP) are entitled to be registered
with the Board by completing the BEM
Declaration Form detailing their supervision
experience and responsibilities duly endorsed
by a Professional Engineer with Practising
Cer tificate from the ECP that they are
With effect from August 31 2018, only IOWs
with academic qualifications approved by the
Board will be eligible for registration.