Figure 4: RFID Card
Reader System at
Construction Site
system provides CIDB with real time monitoring
of construction personnel on site on a daily or
monthly basis. The site reader (Figure 4) consists
RFID Controller Board,
GPRS Data Communication Modem, and
RFID Reader
5. Mobile RIFD Reader (Enforcement Validator)
The Mobile RFID Reader is a special mobile
equipment used by the enforcement unit for
card site checking. Normally site enforcement
officers ask the contractor to provide the list of
the site workers and from there, the enforcement
unit carries out a manual checking process of
the workers by requesting them to show their
green card. Apart from the checking itself, the
enforcement unit also has to do random site
visits without warning to check a certain site. With
the GCSRS, the enforcement unit has specific
target based online data from the site transmitter
resulting in a more efficient checking practice. The
card is scanned using the validator which confirms
card validity and ownership. The card is checked
using the printed information on the card itself, the
card database in the validator and also remotely in
the CIDB server.
Figure 5: A Mobile
RFID Reader
6. Web Management Portal
The GCSRS web portal allows the data of a tagged
RFID card owned by a construction workers on site
to be viewed and monitored by
site administration and CIDB.
This data can be used by CIDB
for studying the mobility pattern
of construction workers. As for
the site contractor, accessibility
through the web portal allows
the employer to monitor their
worker’s attendance on site.
Figure 6: Web Portal Login Page
The pilot project has been
evaluated from two different
aspects involving management
of the card issuance process
and practicality at construction
sites. Two CIDB offices were