… a general description in writing, of the arrangements and methods of construction which the contractor proposes to adopt for the carrying out of the works. 6
Clause 14 JKR Sarawak Form of Contract 2006 7.
Clause 14.3 IEM. CE 2011 and IEM. ME 2012 which states:( 1) The General Method Statement must generally describe the arrangement, sequence and method of construction of the Works, or major items which comprise the Works.
( 2) The General Method Statement must also indicate, but not necessarily limit to:( a) the manpower;( b) machinery and equipment;( c) materials; and( d) methodology. To be employed by the Contractor to construct and complete the Works, or the major items which comprise the Works as the case may be.
Clause 5 CIDB Form( 2000 Edn) 8
Clause 14 CIDB. B( NSC)/ 2002 Form 9
The other Standard Forms such as the PAM Contract 2006, PAM Sub-Contract 2006 and the JKR NSC 203N( Rev 1 / 2013) though not having specific express provisions nevertheless include the requirement vis-à-vis Method Statements in other parts of the contract, i. e. in the Preliminaries or the specifications itself.
Form / Content Where the form / content is expressly stipulated in the contract, it should be adhered to. However, as can be seen from the foregoing, the bulk of the standard forms of conditions contract are very general in terms of this requirement. Notwithstanding this, the actual form / content that should be adopted is dependent on the following factors:
●● the size, complexity and novelty of the works;
●● the method of procurement employed;
●● the extent to which the details, e. g. activities, sequence of activities, etc. are to be shown;
●● the requirements of any applicable statutory instrument, e. g. Acts 10 or By-laws;
●● the specific purpose behind the requirement;
●● any recommendations of applicable authorities, e. g. The SCL Protocol, etc; and
● ● the specific requirements of the applicable contract.
Here guidance can be sought from the authorities; one such being Fenwick Elliott LPP which in the Dictionary of Construction Terms states: 11
… It is an important ingredient for fulfilling health and safety requirements to ensure that the risks inherent in many construction activities are analysed and guarded against. A method statement may be required by the employer for dangerous and unusual operations and particularly in complex engineering projects or where third parties may be affected …
The SCL Protocol 12 makes the following recommendations for a Model Specification clause:
5.1 At the same time as the Contractor submits the programme in sub-clause 2.2 [ or such other time as may be specified in the Contract ], the Contractor shall submit to the CA 13 for its acceptance a general description of the arrangements and methods of construction and Temporary Works designs the Contractor proposes to adopt for the carrying out of the Works(‘ the Method Statement’). The Method Statement shall be fully cross-referenced to the activities in the programme.
6 This is to be submitted within fourteen( 14) days from the Contractor’ s receipt of the Letter of Acceptance. 7 See paragraph [ 3.23 ] above. 8 See paragraph [ 3.23 ] above. 9 See paragraph [ 3.23 ] above.
10 |
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1974( Act 514), etc. |
11 |
At p 175. |
12 |
See Appendix B Item 5‘ Methods of Construction and |
Temporary Works’. |
13 |
I. e. the Contract Administrator. |