ingenieur 2021 vol86 April-June 2021 | Page 17

Figure 1 : Planetary boundaries for safe operating space ( Credit : J . Lokrantz / Azote based on Steffen , W ., K . Richardson , J . Rockström , S . E . Cornell , et . al . 2015 . Planetary boundaries : Guiding human development on a changing planet . Science 347 : 736 , 1259855 )
prevention at source as the basis . Using the R-ladder strategy of reduce , reuse , recycle , reclaim would then ensure that the negative impact to the environment can at least be minimised , if not totally eliminated . It boils down to eventually a paradigm shift in defining waste / residuals and to promote circularity in managing them .
There have been commendable responses and efforts by the chemical industry in terms of addressing the leakages and gaps to circularise the use of natural capital ( as in the circular economy approach ). The launch of the Responsible Care ® Programme in 1985 has seen continual improvement to a circular approach . The on-going policy framework Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management ( SAICM ) initiated by United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) calls for measures to produce and use chemicals in ways that minimise significant adverse impacts on human health .
Yet another alarm signal on the state of health of our planet as proposed by a group of earth system and environmental scientists is expressed as planetary boundaries This concept is based on a framework that defines “ safe operating spaces for humanity ” as a precondition for sustainable development . It is suggested if we overstep the limit the changes can set the planet on an irreversible path with dire consequences . Some of these hot spots include climate change , biodiversity loss , acidification of oceans and biogeochemical changes ( see Figure 1 ). 3
So , is it not time to re-think our strategies ? If so , how does the chemical sector align itself to the notion of sustainable practices ?
Sustainability , Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability has no universally agreed definition . It could be quite accurate to say that nobody can rightly claim they know everything about sustainability . Due to the increasingly recognised global environment and social challenges , sustainability has now become more commonly